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Środa, 22 stycznia 2025
Imieniny: Anastazy, Wincenty, Wiktor

Wizytówki w języku angielskim




The village is surrounded by Puszcza Notecka (Noteć Forest), which can be seen on the stone inscription: "Heart of the Puszcza Notecka". One of the egde of the village adheres to Białe lake and to the beach. The first mention of Biała (Baloowa) comes from 1298. It belonged successively to mighty families: Górka, Opalińscy, Sapieha and Hohberg. It contains monuments like Lady of the Rosary church, wooden belfry from the second half of 19th century (modern interesting fact that St. Hubert side altar, patron of the hunters, made of antlers, is the only one in the Archiodiocese of Poznań); cemetery from 19th century; school - brick common room nowadays - from the end of 19th century. There is a memorial obelisk by the church which commemorates important events from the life of village like Karol's Wojtyła holiday stay at Białe lake in July/August 1977; extinguish of huge Puszcza Notecka fire by downpour in August 1992 or saving the village from being burnt down in 1944. Special landscape and tourist attractions are displayed during summer festivals organised on the beach in Biała, which gathers tourists and locals. Rural Renewal Group operates here.



Village of a hilly landscape located on the edge of Puszcza Notecka (Noteć Forest). Historical sources says there was a church here in 1604. The Jancke brothers were probably founders of the village. They lived in mayor's farm. Mayor's assets were multiplied over the years, later divided (1890) until it was sold in 1927. Nothing is known about establishment of Dębogóra manor (it didn't exist before 1773). Property was sold in 1930. State agency dedicated to Prussia colonization, owner of Wieleń estates - Schulenburg and Arnold Hahm were the buyers. There was a State Farm (PGR) here, in the years after the war, and after the political changes manor became private property. Among the most important monuments are: formerly Evangelical, now Roman Catholic church, manor and park complex, brick manor from the beginning of 19th century, nature park from the first half of 19th century, Lutheran cemetery, school - a residential house now. There is a "dancing forest" near the village. There are active organizations here: Rural Renewal Group and Village Housewives Association "Słoneczniki" (Sunflowers) Dębogóra - Gieczynek.


The village is situated on Dzierżążna stream, by the local road to Dzierżążno Wielkie, 15 kilometers north of Wieleń. A number of archeological relics have been found in the area, starting from younger stone age (Neolithic). A cemetery from Pomeranian culture period was discovered here. Today's village was founded in 1592 as a mayor's village by Marcin from Dziwnowo. It belonged to Wieleń estates. Here stands wooden church located centrally, erected in 1600, framework structured with a half-timbered presbitery. The three-storey church tower stands out amongs low rural buildings.  Church was toroughly renowated in years 1746-50 thanks to Piotr Sapieha, then owner of Wieleń estates, efforts. Most of the buildings in the village are old (first half of 19th century to beginning of 20th century). Some half-timbered houses are preserved and structurally interesting buildings with facades lined with stone and brick, imitating half-timbered structure.  


The village is situated on the right bank of Noteć river on the road from Wieleń to Mirosławiec, by the lake of the same name. It was founded by, then owner of Wieleń estates, Piotr Czarnkowski. Previously these areas were covered with dense forest. In 1595 church made of wooden stakes was built. It was replaced by half-timbered structure with added tower in 1778. In 1945, after Russian invasion, 17 farms were burnt. The most interesting monuments in the village are: wooden half-timbered church with churchyard from the end of 16th century, tower bell from 1608, Lutheran cemetary from 19th century, a brick school from first quarter of 20th century, manor and grange complex from the second half of 19th century. The local primary school promotes proecological activities and emphasizes role of nature in human life. Rapidly developing agritourism provides accommodation.  Active organizations: Agricultural Society, Village Housewives Association, Rural Renewal Group and Tourism Develompent Association "Bukówka".


A village situated on the northern edge of the Noteć Valley, 4 kilometers east of Wieleń. Founded pursuant to the agreement between Zofia Czarnkowska (family name Herbut-Folsztyn, then owner of Wieleń estates) and Dutch emigrants. It was originally called Dolne Holendry (Lower Dutch), since 1632 it's Folsztyn. It is one of the first Oleder villages in Greater Poland.  Several ethnographically valuable buildings from the end of 18th and 19th century have been preserved here. A neo-gothic church with tall tower was built in 1876. Originally protestant, now dedicated to St. Peter and Paul  replaced older church built in 1637 thanks to the efforts of Jan Sędziwoj Czarnkowski. High dune "Biała Góra" (White Mountain) can be found in the western part of village, by the road. Village Housewives Association operates in the comunne. Village common room is the center of cultural events in Folsztyn. This structure underwent comprehensive modernization and reconstruction in 2020-2021 with Rural Development Program for years 2014-2020 co-financing.


The village is located in Wieleń commune. Originally it was called Hansfelde. It came from German form of Jan Czarnkowski name, then owner of Wieleń estates. It's tipically agricultural village with old farms in perfectly preserved oval shape. In the middle of village there is large pond surrounded by gardens. Sights can be seen here are: house number 20 from 1928, house number 22 which was built in the 1920s. Additionally there is post-evangelical church dedicated to Exaltation of the Holy Cross. It's a half-timbered building of a pole-frame structure, filled with bricks.  Blue cycle route "Szlak Sapiehów" (Sapiehas Route) from Krzyż Wielkopolski to Brzegi runs through the village. Active organizations: Rural Renewal Group and Village Housewives Association "Słoneczniki" (Sunflowers) Dębogóra - Gieczynek.


A village on the southern, strongly elevated terrace of the Noteć Valley. For the first time Gulcz was mentioned in historical sources in 1381. A lot of historical buildings from 19th and beginning of 20th century have been preserved here. in 1950 church was erected, which high, octagonal tower remains dominant architectural element in the village. Inhabitants of the parish and then parish priest Bernard Woltman were the builders. Gulcz was accepted to the International Organisation for Sister Cities in 1933. School in Gulcz is named after Polish American Community. It cooperates with two other schools: Almond-Bancroft from Wisconsin, USA and Realschule Herzogenaurach from Germany. As a part of cooperation "Korzenie" (Roots) program is implemented. The Regional Poetry Recital Contest named after Stanisław Neunert is regularly organized here. Active organizations: The Greater Poland 1918/1919 Uprising Memorial Society, Wieleń's Land Club, Village Houseviwes Association, MKS LZS "Orzeł Gulcz" (Eagle Gulcz), dance formation "Guleckie Szprychy" (Spokes from Gulcz), Village Renewal and Development Association "MY GULCZ" (We, the Gulcz), Rural Renewal Group. 



One of the most picturesquely situated village in Wieleń commune. It's surrounded by forests of Puszcza Notecka. Miała river and Hamrzyskie lake add charm to it. The village was mentioned under the name of Hamer in 1455 as a mid-forest settlement. It belonged to Wieleń estates. The name proves existence of iron smelleding furnaces here in the past. Due to natural conditions people were associated with forestry and fishery. Old buildings, houses and farms have been preserved - brick, erected in second half of 19th and 20th century. It's located on the ridge along the road. Village is a good place for holidays. There are few special places in the area. The hunting lodge Gniewomierz, built in 1900 by count Wilhelm von Hochberg, the owner of Goraj castle, is an architectural pearl. It is also worth to see natural reserve "Wilcze Błota" (Wolf's Mud), established in 1968. It has 2,7 hectares and boasts by a collection of marsh and peat bog plants. Residents can use village common room. Village is connected with regional road towards Wronki thanks to reconstructed in years 2019-2020 municipal road Hamrzysko - Krucz (co-financing from the Local Goverment Roads Fund). 


Herburtowo is one of the oldest Oleder villages in the Noteć region, located on the edge of Noteć Valley. River Bukówka flows through the village. Flint arrowheads from The Middle Stone Age (Mesolithic) have been found here during archeological research. The village was founded in 1601 under an agreement between Jan and Zofia Czarnkowski (then owners of Wieleń estates) with Dutch emigrants. Until 1632, settlement was called Górne Holendry (High Dutch). The buildings in Herbutowo comes from 19th and 20th centuries. Monuments which can be found here: Lutheran cemetary from 19th century, old school - residential house number 19 now - from the second half of 19th century and transformer from the first quarter of 19th century. It's worth to see wooden church of Our Lady of Seeds, built in 1782, whose readable timber-framed walls construction, not covered with external formwork, is a characteristic feature. There is also a wooden belfry from 20th century nearby. In complement village shares its nature and tranquility with visitors. The Village Renewal Group operates here.



The village is situated on the road from Wieleń to Czarnków, on the right bank of Noteć Valley. Established in 1714 as an Oleder village. The buildings are four-sided or horseshoe shaped, situated on the southern side of the road. Most of them have been preserved to this day and some are under conservation supervision. Most of residential and farm houses are old, erected on the end of 19th and beginning of 20th century. One of the historic buildings (homestead) was moved to the open-air museum in Osiek nad Notecią. Kałądek is an oasis of peace and tranquility with ideal conditions for development of agritourism. 


A commune village situated by Wieleń - Trzcianka road together with settlement Usypisko. Exact date of Kocień Wielki foundation is unknown. Village belonged to Wieleń estates and was mentioned in historical sources in 1630. Architecture: historic church, currently dedicated to St. Anna, built for Protestants in 1844 (renovated in the 1970s and in 1983). The village has, almost unchanged, former buildings, houses and farms. Due to its location and charming neighbourhood - small river Dzierżążna flows into Bukówka - it's attractive for people looking for peace and traquility.  


The village is situated on the Bukówka river in the woodlands. The name of the village and preserved water system indicates that originally it was mill settlement, so-called hamernia. The village was first mentioned in 1784. Most of the buildings are old and brick, from 19th and beginning of 20th century. There is Trout Breeding Center in the village, established in 1996.  The site operates on the basis of former damming of water mill on Bukówka river, after which original turbine from 1875 has remained. The Village Renewal Group operates here.  The village is famous from its peace, tranquility and natural beauty. There is a possibility of creating holiday complex in the village area. 


Marianowo - village located to the west of Wieleń, situated on the edge of Noteć Valley among meadows and pastures. It streches along regional Wieleń - Krzyż road. Former Oleder village, belonged to Wieleń estates, founded in 1614. Most of the houses and farms are old, built at the end of 19th and beginning of 20th century. An ethnographically valuable structure - cottage with an arcade inscription on the gable beam. It was moved to the Greater Poland Ethnographic Park on Lednickie lake. The local residents actively participates in the life of village by organising integration, cultural, sports and recreational events. The Village Renewal Group operates here. A common country hall for Marianowo and Herbutowo was established in 2022 (co-financing - The Goverment Local Investment Fund).



Mężyk - former mid-forest settlement in Puszcza Notecka, for the first time mentioned in historical sources in 1632. It belonged to Wieleń estates. In The Middle Ages it was probably called Biała Pośrednia, mentioned in 1464 and 1508. The village is situated on the Miała river, on the pass between Górne and Bąd lakes. The building of former water mill is situated along the river. The Papal  Canoe Trail runs through Mężyk. In compact village construction village hall, playground, square and tourist boards can be found. In the northern part of village, apart from rural buildings, there are two cemeteries: Protestant and Catholic, from 19th century. 170-meter-long Rów Syzyfa (Sisyphus Trench) from Puszcza Notecka is an interesting fact in Mężyk. Village Housewives Association "Jarzębina" (Rowan) and Rural Renewal Group are very active here. 


Miały - village situated in the woodlands of Puszcza Notecka, on Miała river, a left side Noteć inflow. Noteć Valley streches on the east.  Location of the village determines its outstanding recreational values. Placement near Krzyż Wielkopolski - Poznań railway line is the second important factor for village meaning. The Papal Canoe Trail also runs through Miały. Past references about village called Biała Nadolna come from 1464 and 1508. However, it is assumed that history of the village began around 1580. The name Miały appeared in the second half of 16th century. There is a primary school with kindergarten department named after Greater Poland Insurgents here. The Chamber of Regional History was established here in 2006. Active organizations: Local Development Association, Volunteer Fire Brigade unit, Creative Work Club "Puszcza", Village Housewives Association, Rural Renewal Group, local Memory of the Greater Poland Uprising 1918/1919 Society, Sport Club "Victoria" Miały. The New Year's Eve Run, which began in 1976, is a tradition of Miały. Agritourism develops in the area.


The village is located east of Wieleń, stretched along the edge of the Noteć Valley. Is was established in 1614 as a Oleder village. Church from 1792 is an example of sacred wooden architecture with double timber-frame walls structure. It's the oldest material evidence of religious Olender settlers (Mennonites) culture in Greater Poland. Large four-sided homesteads can be found in the village. Older buildings faces the road with its gable. Farm buildings are often of clay construction. Characteristic, high, brick fences with entry gates and wickets are here. Village Housewives Association, Rural Renewal Group and village hall can be found here. Children and youth participates in community center activities, which was established in former, renovated fire station. Charming landscape and beautiful nature encourage development of agritourism and active tourism.


Rosko is situated on the edge of Noteć Valley. It's one of the oldest villages in the commune. Aleady mentioned in 1298 on the occasion of Wieleń's castle and surrounding villages granting by Władysław Łokietek to Wincent, castellan of Wieleń. There are findings from the Middle Stone Age (Mesolithic) and, from later times, Sorbian and Pomeranian cemetaries.  During archeological excavations in 2001 a place of worship of Sorbian culture people from 8th century BC was discovered. Neo-Gothic church, erected in 1856-59 with the use of hewn stone and brick, is the tallest building in the village. There is a tombstone monument of Greater Poland Insurgents on the square, next to the church (comprehensive renovation in 2015-2016). Primary school named after Greater Poland Insurgents is actively involved in social and cultural village life. Rosko Cultural Countryhouse, library, ceremonial band "Różanie", mixed choir "Lutnia", Senior Club "Diament", Village Housewives Association, parish group "Caritas", Agricultural Club, Rural Renewal Group, Local Development Association "Dynia", scouts and other organisations operates here. Sport's club "Noteć" and Volunteer Fire Department unit are Rosko pride.


Wrzeszczyna is situated on the left bank of Noteć river, on the edge of Puszcza Notecka. The name of the village - originally Wrzosiczyna - comes from the moors. The first mention about Wrzeszczyna comes from 1475. It belonged to episcopal estates back then. Historical sources confirms that tithe from Wrzeszczyna went to collegiate church in Szamotuły.  Later, village was part of Wieleń estates. The old buildings, mainly from the end of 19th and begenning of 20th century, have been preserved here. In 1908, local teachers discovered relics of old settlements, including Lusatian culture cemeteries. There is seat of Potrzebowice Forestry Management in the area. Inhabitants of Wrzeszczyna actively participated in Greater Poland 1918/1919 Uprising. On February 6, 1994, in front of the former school building, monument of the Heroes of Greater Poland Uprising was unveiled. Active organizations: Youth Sport Club LZS "Tarzani", Volunteer Fire Brigade unit Wrzeszczyna, Rural Renewal Group, Local Activity Association "Rabarbar" and Village Housewives Association. Village community center - facility after torough modernisation in 2020 - is center of activity here (co-financing from the Rural Development Program for years 2014 - 2020).


A village founded in 1600 in the area of Wieleń estates located under German law as a "mayor's" village. The location act, given to Mateusz Lange by Zofia Czarnkowska, has been preserved. Village preserved old structures. Most of the rural buildings comes from the end of 19th and beginning of 20th century. In about 1915 neo-gothic church, on the site of an earlier wooden temple from 1878, was built (originally Protestant, now Catholic, dedicated to St. Monica). There is a village hall in the center, with common room, among the others. The area in front of the hall has been developed for football, volleyball and basketball fields. Volleyball tournament is regularly organised in Zielonowo. There are several organizations operating here: Zielonowo Renewal Association "Społeczni Zielonowo", "Zielono Mi" Society, Research and Education Center Zielonowo, Village Housewives Association, Rural Renewal Group.
There are plant habitats in the northern part of Zielonowo (moss forest and alder-ash brood) and animals - especially valuable species on European scale.

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